Wednesday 18 November 2009

Poetry in motion

I know being prideful is not the thing but I do feel proud.
This charming, intelligent, articulate, beautiful, educated young woman chose to read one of my poems in order to gain a Drama Scholarship at a Public School.
Of all the poems in all the world she chose mine. Rosa you just don't know how honoured I feel.
I wish you so much luck and know you will get the scholarship - not because of my words which you portrayed to the Board but because of your spirit, your energy and commitment.
I applause you on choosing the International Baccalaureate route for furthering your education and know that one day you will make a great Ambassador for any international cause to which you can bring your integrity, your sense of justice and your ability of 'thinking outside the box'.
Thank you Grania for bringing such an exceptional, out-spoken, wise, witty, globally-minded, and sometimes wilful child into this world.