Saturday 13 October 2012

A year of 'Fs'

Thought I would give the old blog a fire up.
It's been a strange and interesting couple of years - mostly things beginning with 'F' -
funerals, farewells, family feuds, freedom from emotional bondage, fabulos fun, flights, frights, fires, floods.
Much sadness and loss counter-balanced by much happiness and gain.
Cleared out and learned to recognize the: manipulative, the passive-aggressives, the sanitizers, the cruel, the matyrs and those who demanded I be who they wanted me to be and say what they wanted me to say rather than accept the person I am. 
Have met wonderful new friends full of artistry, poetry, life, love, compassion and kindness: Vince, Mick, Alison, Rayhonor, Emma-Jane who have helped me heal from the almost unbearable pain of grief, abandonment and rejection by those too blind to see the marvelous person I am.
So much travelling: Spain, France, Greece, Canada, USA...even the UK! (and of course The Netherlands).
Thank you also to Mark, Amrei, David, Howard, Linda, Alice, Julia and to those who I have never met on FaceBook.
Thank you most of all to the horses.