Monday 30 March 2009

Hello Twinkle!

The first photo is of a new project in The Netherlands of building only wooden houses because concrete and bricks are not environmentally friendly. You can chose to leave them plain or have them painted before they are put together. The Dutchlanders are vey clever with innovative building programmes and have triple glazing and recycled air warming systems.
The second photo is of KeKe driving through Belgiumland - it rained from the moment they arrived at the Belgiumland border up until they arrived at the Frenchland border. As you can see KeKe looks a bit fed up with it.
The third photo is of the lovely canal TaTa walked to every morning to feed and ducks and seagulls but you always have to be so careful in Dutchland because most of the Dutchlanders let their dogs poop on the grass and do not pick it up. TaTa trod in three poops just to get to the canal one day and I will not write down what she said because us Siamese do not use such language. Not all canals in Dutchland are as wide as this one and you may be fooled into thinking it is a river. The Dutchlanders are also very clever with water - they take land from the sea and drain it, they build canals to water has somewhere to
Then you have a very handsome cat
who lived over the road and on the last day of TaTa's visit they packed up the car and were just about to drive away and they heard 'miauw' and this black and white cat was sitting in the back seat - so he almost came to England. TaTa said Customs would have taken him away away. So please my feline friends do not get into strange cars.
The last photo is of hw Dutchlanders deal with ugly uncompleted building projects. This is in Warmond. There was a bit of a problem as Dutchlanders are like eager beavers who like knocking things down and re-building but it seems they didn't get permission to knock two buildings
down (which happened to be the two oldest buildings in the town) and everyone got angry and now Boorockcracy has got involved and red tape and nothing has been builded for two years. The Booroocrats want the buildings there to be exactly the same as they ones knocked down, the towns people also want that, but the developers want to build 3-storey apartments and make lots of money. So instead of leaving just a mess the townspeople got money together and put up this pretty screen to hide all the mess behind - which I think is very clever.

Hi, Tizit, Many thanks for the travel diary but I wish you hadn't said the Euro's only 99p, as I've been blocking my ears to that kind of news. If I think too much about it, I may cancel my hols. It does seem that TaTa's had an interesting time, not necessarily scratching under seats to find the last euro to fall out of her purse, but visiting real places with real people. She makes an original experience of tourism, and the photos have been diverse and engaging. (I especially like feeding time on the cat barge, don't you?). Remember me to your dear ones. Be well and happy, bright young Tizit, and keep adding chapters to your book. Love, Twinkle and friends.

My advice to Twinkle with regard to the Euro is not to buy them from the post office because they give the worst rate of exchange in the whole wide world. Barclays Bank are the best at the moment - they are exchanging today at £1.05 and they don't charge commission. The silly HSBC want you to have an account with them so don't bother with them. And of course, if you are lucky enough to have zillions of pounds you can go to a money broker.

PS My new sister arrives on 6 April so there will be no photos of me until she arrives and I have given her a name. I am so excited I could marry a dog.