Tuesday 18 May 2010

Be wary

The last 'drawing' I sent of Margo and Ada was a 'fake' portrait. Do you see ads for 'I will make a portrait of your pet/loved one...send in a photo and £x'? There are some unscrupulous people out there sadly.
Your photo is scanned. It is then made to size. It is then grayscaled and printed on to art paper. Then the 'artist' covers the greyscaled copy with a layer of pastels or oil pastels using your colour photo as reference.
Then signs it, puts it in a relatively cheap frame (mounted), seals it, stamps it and then charges you £x.
This happened to a friend of mine who was so suspicious of how perfect the portraiture was, she dismantled the whole thing, scrapped off some paint and there was a grayscale print of her photo and she had paid close on £100. So buyer beware as they say.