Tuesday 11 May 2010

Comment on Palm trees

Oh yes! You have captured the feeling of walking along Marbella prom beautifully - that azure blue is spot on and I love the perspective and angle you have drawn this from Tabi. I have only been there once and it was just like your sketch. I went on my own by bus and ate delicious seafood at a beach cafe over looking the perfectly still sea. I wrote a long letter to an ex-lover on a paper napkin then got back on my bus and went back to my hotel. It was a lovely day in Marbella. I kept the napkin love letter for a long while but never sent it. x Claire

Claire: I am so thrilled you feel something from my sketches and it brings back memories for you. I just can't contain myself once I get going. I was terrified of using the pastels but once they hit the paper - that was it - I was hooked. Am going to try oil pastels next.