LUPUS UK would like to recruit the younger generation to take part in a drawing/colouring/painting competition, the winner of which will see their contribution as the cover the spring magazine and also receive a gift voucher for £25.
The theme for the cover is butterflies and the competition is open to children and young people up to the age of 16. Entries must be A4 portrait style and must be received at National Office by 25 January 2010. Unfortunately we are unable to return the entries.
There will be one overall winner whose design will become the cover of the magazine and an additional winner and runner up in each age group as follows: Up to 7 years. 8 to 11 years. 12 to 16 years
Winner's prize £25 gift voucher, runner up £10 gift voucher of their choice. The judge's decision will be final. The competition is not open to LUPUS UK employees' friends or family. Please print in block letters the artist's name, address, telephone number and date of birth on the back of the picture.
So come on Molly, Jim, Rosa, Finn - it would be wonderful if one of my family or friend's family won this competition.
PS My next tattoo (different colours though) I don't want to look like a LibDem! Colours will be pinks, purples, blues, turquoise, reds