Yuck yuck yuck this weather is absolutely horrid. So this week have decided to do a lot of nice things: Tuesday - coffee at Pinewood, Wednesday - dinner at Roman Camp, Thursday - oh my gawd it's Cromer Pier Show, Friday - RoyBoys. The weekend - make a huge fire and stay in and watch DVDs. Watched Sex and the City movie yesterday. Didn't like the ending. I think it should have happened like this.
Carrie goes first to the apartment to pick up her shoes. It is dark and raining. She closes apartment door and as she walks down steps Big arrives in his car.
Big gets out of the car and they talk. Just like Breakfast at Tiffany - instead her shoes get wet instead of the cat. You don't hear what they say and the movie ends with a kiss.
I thought the ending was too clumsy and a bit contrived. Obviously run out of time, money or patience or all three. Poor Samantha never got a bit of Dante's Inferno. Probably a Sex and the City 2 coming soon to a cinema near you! Let's just hope Dante makes another appearance!