Especially when I awoke this morning and looked out onto the streets glistening like diamonds in radiant sunshine, china blue skies and minus 6 C, low humidity. Perfect. Took Hubbie 1hr 40mins to get into work this morning instead of 40 mins - they are all going to be leaving at 3pm so as to not drive in the dark. I'm off to the hairdresser to have me roots done and then totter off to Sainsbury's to see if the shelves are bare. Have forgotten all about Christmas. Going to France was our Christmas. Meeting Stacey tomorrow for lunch, then the Stroke Gang for afternoon tea, then Hazel on Wednesday for lunch, then it's Christmas eve, then Winter Solstice with Grania, Rosa, Jim, Richard, Hubbie, Cozy the Cat, Charlie the Cat, Treacle the Dog. Haven't done any shopping which is fantastic because the streets are full of zombies moaning 'spend, spend, spend'. Seems there is some nastiness going on in town with regard to the new 'green' shopping centre being a cover up for Waitrose. Oh my. Whatever. Wonder if Richard managed to get his 4x4 moving? Hey ho!