Had a luscious lunch at The Wyndham...totally empty. Spyros says Christmas bookings are 'shit - only 15 this year'. Had Credit Crunch Special: Ham, egg and chips. Then off to Ronadelenaonos to have hot white chocolate - disgustlingly deelicious. Then went and had a part of my anatomy re-pierced - Stacy wouldn't come in because she said she would faint and was waiting for my scream! Staggered and slid through the, still, ungritted streets and road, almost went elbow over earhole in The Crown car park which he should have opened as an ice skating rink. Stacey drove us home with loads of wheel spins and slides. Then I couldn't open my gate so had to nab a very good looking van driver to come to my rescue - he climbed over the gate to open from other side - I could have kissed him - but I didn't - my name is not Dawn 'The Slag' French-Kiss.