Monday 4 January 2010

Gotta move on

Have really got the urge to be on the move. To travel from place to place with no strings, no commitments, no people asking me to do stuff, no-one expecting anything of me. I suit the on-the-move life-style. To be in one place - you may as well stick a gravestone in the ground and bury me.

I become bored, unsociable and feel like a piece of elastic being stretched and stretched. I get to the point where familiarity breeds contempt and I gotta get out of this place.
I guess it comes from being one of Abraham's children.

The urge to travel is in Abraham’s genes. According to Genesis 11, his father, Terah, uprooted the family from the southern Mesopotamian town of Ur and headed north to Haran. He intended to lead the family all the way to Canaan, but when he died in Haran a portion of the family settled there. Abram hears the voice of YHWH speaking to him, telling him that for his own sake he must leave three things: his land, his birthplace and the house of his father.

Interestingly enough, I am not urged to move because I think life will be better - I am not running away from things. It's the challenge of communication, reputation, network, knowledge of a place and how to survive in it--life could be be worse not better. But what a challenge.

I am not a person who says 'but this is the way we have always done it." Perhaps a new perspective will emerge only when I am exposed to a new environment in which old patterns no longer work.

It's easy to criticise the unwillingness of people to change. This is at least partially because people have spent their whole lives learning about how the society in which they live functions--and how to find a place for themselves in it. For them that is security, for me it is stagnation.

My ideal and idle life would be to be on a constant cruise, broken only by train travel and if I liked the look of somewhere to stay until it became too suffocating then I would do that. So if anyone has a million pounds they could chuck my way I would be most grateful.