Tuesday 5 January 2010

A lovely email from the birdman

No not in Africa - in Mexico,Baja California. I've done my stint in
Australia there for three weeks and enjoyed it very much but my family
wanted me to see as much of it as they could show me so a lot of
drivinng about - even Victoria is enormous and I saw some sights lots
of the 23 grndchildren and odd coves in the bits of outback. Met a
super farmer who had made friends with all his cows and could play
with the bull like a dog.- he had several old barns falling down
somewhat and they were full of history in the sense that there were
fifteen old head collars for horses and all their harness covered in
dust and horse drawn harvesters and sheds that shepherds slept in. I
said slightly jokingly that I'd like to come back next year and paint
the buildings and the bits and pieces and he offered me his house to
stay in. !
I have taken 2400 photographs so far and pictures in art museums they
don't seem to mind.

At the moment I'm painting for the picture exhibition on Jan 30th
-thta's where the elephant comes in. Finished that have done an
Australian scene and am working on a leopard asleep on a tree branch
and a cheetah in some grass (different pictures) and a winter
landscape so keeping busy and it's great to paint in the warm.

I think perhaps your body needs a break from all those medicines and a
rest from having to digest unfamiliar (?) stuff. Everyone here is
slightly crazy or they wouldn't come here but they all get nicknames
as a result Flintstone Jeff was a cartoon film producer and Flagpole
Ken comes from Flagstaff Arizona - Sedimentary Chris is a geologist
and Roadside Mike is not that odd but he lives on the road.

Anyway duckie look after yourself - Be there when I get back.
lots of love
Intrepid Birdman
PS He is the man who taught me all about falconry - my mentor.