Wednesday 6 January 2010

The wisdom of teeth

My hubbie treats a lot of clients who have had problems after dentistry - especially root canals and the removal of wisdom teeth. The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) can sometimes be overstretched, moved or even dislocated. The first sign, of course, is pain. Sometimes a clicking sound or the feeling you can crack your jaw.
It is relatively easy to remedy: therapists of all kinds deal with
temporomandibular joint disorder - the best ones being soft tissue therapists: McTimoney Chiropractor, Sacro-Cranial, Bowen. Why do we get wisdom teeth? The one thing I did read is it harks back to the days of eating raw meat and we had to have these extra grinding teeth to use.
The interesting thing is some people get four, some two, some none. Some people have them but they never emerge.
My wisdom teeth are still awaiting birth. They show on the x-ray sitting there quite comfortably - they are about the only straight teeth in my mouth. I was considering having my teeth straightened but my friends say 'No, no, no' spend the £3,000 on a lovely cruise instead.
So that's what I am going to do. Or I may go to Budapest with Grania and Moira to have my gnashers sorted out. Still first it's the double chin removal, then a tummy tuck, then a thigh lift, then a boob by that time I will be dead. So I think I will stay as I am.