Saturday 19 December 2009

Peanut butter and jelly day

That's the kind of day it has been today ... comfort food ... totally yucky weather. Do I ever miss the south of France - all that beautiful architecture, seafood, coiffured and groomed women and men, cafes, boulevards, plane trees and beautiful skies.
Next year we will be going to Spain and Portugal for own 'main' vacation. We are going by ferry to Bilbao Baggins and then a long stay in southern Spain and then a shorter stay in Portugal. I will be staying for two months in The Netherlands this year during the spring.
Have decided against one of the jobs because it was working in the media - I have done enough of that. I have taken one of the jobs for one day a week and am now aiming to make a decision on the other one. I feel ready to go back to work but if things don't work out it's not a problem because I don't have to work and that is a wonderful position in which to be.
Only six more days to Christmess .. it's around now I start to feel Christmessy and then think 'if only I'd made my own decorations/cakes/presents etc'. I think it is Christmess overload on the TV in November.
Aren't people funny who always want to correct you or think they know better or their experience far outweighs or is better/bigger/louder than yours. They find little ways to be bitchy and little ways to have digs. They try in their silly little ways and silly little remarks to get their own back. Only makes them look more stupid. Makes me laugh every time if happens.
Just looked at the thermometer and it is -2 C outside. Just spoken to my friend in Ottawa and it's -9 C ther at the moment. Thank g-d for central heating and open fires....and Treacle the dog. who keeps my toes warm. I used to love the snow and the cold but now all I dream of is sunshine, soft evenings, purple/pink skies and warm breezes. The cold calls me no more.