Sunday 27 December 2009

Who is your heroine/hero?

You know the kind of person I'm talking about. They might not have super-human powers, but, in many ways, they're even more remarkable. The Heroine/Hero Next Door is an ordinary person who embodies compassion, kindness, dedication and inspiration and lives each day with devotion to a cause. Often, these heroes are unsung. How about doing something for your heroine/hero on 1 January 2010.

Perhaps your Heroine/Hero Next Door has dedicated her/his life to help injured animals, and has even taken the incredible step of opening up a wildlife sanctuary. Maybe your s/he has actively campaigned for child welfare and helped inner city youths escape violence and gang culture for a life full of promise and possibility.

Alternatively, perhaps your s/he has overcome personal difficulties such as a disability or illness, and has gone on to create a charity drive to help other people who are in a similar situation. Whatever her/his outstanding contribution, let them know you are grateful and show them you care. Offer them practical help, make a donation to their charity, take them out to lunch/dinner, see what they need to keep going. So who do you know who has a positive impact in her/his community.

Not a close friend or family .... that's too easy ... have a look around and see who you can find. You may be surprised or you may already know ... and let them know.

My heroine is a person who lives nearby who struggles with schizophrenia and manic depression has six children (one in prison), lives on the breadline and contributes to society with her art and compassion. My small contribution to her life is to buy one piece of her artwork a year(anonymously) when she exhibits.